How this Funky thing Works…

We have been hosting Funky Trunks Boutiques parties for a little over a month, although it feels like we have been doing it for 6 months. When we started out with this idea we never dreamed it would be as big as it has become so quickly! We are in no way complaining, but we have been overwhelmed to the point that we never really got around to posting exactly what we do on our Facebook page, which is where most of you see us, or on our website, which is still being neglected as we plan for parties.

Funky Trunks Boutiques (FTB), to put it simply, is a private shopping experience for a specific group of ladies. The host of the party invites FTB to come to her home and then invites her friends to come and hang out and shop! We are there to help style ladies as needed and make suggestions when asked our opinions, but we truly love seeing old friends and new friends find clothes that are affordable and make them feel great! It is a blast to have already met some truly incredible gals!

We do not give a speech during an FTB party or pressure anyone to book a party or buy anything that they don’t love. Stacy is the most honest salesman that you will ever meet and will let you know very quickly  when she “doesn’t love something” or it isn’t her “favorite”. If you are ever at one of our parties and she says these things to you just go ahead and put that item back! But then expect her to find you something that is even better and more perfect for you!

We always try to remember to tell people to like us on Facebook and use our Instagram, #keepitfunkyfw, and let them know how to book a party… but I said we “try” to do those things but most of the time we are just having so much fun that we forget! Praise the Lord that people are able to find us anyway and we still get parties and Facebook likes regardless of what we actually remember!

We are often asked by people on our Facebook page if they can attend one of our parties. If the party is at one of our homes or an open party, then by all means we will say come on over! However, if the party is hosted in a clients home we can’t invite other people to just show up. So if you have been sad, as some have stated, that you have not been invited to a party.. don’t blame us! Blame your friends for not hosting an FTB party!! 🙂 or call us and we can let you know if there is an open party date on the books, but they do not happen often. We are trying to figure out this problem so stay tuned!!

Another source of confusion has been online sales! We know we know… Everyone wants to  buy it online!! And believe us we want to be able to support that too!! And we WILL! For now, we are able to send things out after parties are completed because we could literally sell out of our inventory and not have enough to make a party worthwhile if we started doing online sales the way people want us to! We will get there!! PINKY PROMISE! It’s coming but we are “low budge” right now and need to clone ourselves since we can’t afford to have employees just yet!

So I think that we have covered everything! This is Funky Trunks Boutiques. We are having so much fun getting to shop with all of you! Book a party soon! Dates are filling up quickly!!!

